Latest vacancies are posted by Hands, they offering new vacancies for Leady Health Visitor and Paramedic. Applicants who are experienced in relevant field are invited to send their application form, start your new journey with leading health network of Sindh province.
LHV Jobs in Hands are listed on their official website, we are lately inform you regarding Hands Jobs. You can apply before 20th April 2024, two-days are remaining and it is notable for applicants who are willing to apply. At least you have degree in relevant department, only female candidates are eligible.
The Hands has started their services in 1979, Karachi as Health and Nutrition Projects. On that time, Professor A.G Billoo was head of the department of Pediatrics. In 1980, Hands established PHC center Memon Goth Malir, Karachi. Gradually, they spread network of health and moved to other areas.
After the success, Hands registered under Society Registration act of XXI of 1860. The organization doesn’t stop getting success, Hands start “Development of Health Structure – DEH” project in 1994. First award ceremony was conduct by hands in 1995.
In Pakistan, various vacancies publish every day. People from the all Pakistan seeking for government jobs, private jobs and NGOs jobs. Jobless people do not have source of income and they doesn’t support the family and manage the expenses as well.
HANDS is one of the health organization which works in the whole province and manage the health facilities in the province. Other private health organizations like People’s Primary Healthcare Initiative Sindh (PPHI), Indus Health Network, National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NICVD) work in the Sindh.
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Qualification Criteria
- As per organization requirements, hands requires two-years Diploma in LHV course which should be registered with PNC.
- At least 1-3 years relevant experience, if have already worked in family planning will be preferred.
- Jobs will be posted in district Thatta, Karachi, Jamshoro and Mirpurkhas.
LHV Jobs Details
- Vacancy: Leady Health Visitor/ Paramedics
- Location: Sindh
- Domicile: Sindh
Qualification and other criteria mentioned above, here’s more information you need to know about the organization. HANDS has its own official platform to accept job profile, have you used before? If not then you can check complete guide here.
Required Experience
You know that organization give preference those applicants who are experienced? Your background matters to attract the organization towards yourself, regarding this every organization requires experience individuals for their offices and projects.
Minimum experience of 2-5 years required, so that applicants can perform their job easily and they help to boost the performance of organization. Due to this, yearly award and other promotions and credit goes those employees who smartly work in the favor of organization.
How to apply for Hands Jobs?
You can apply for LHV jobs at Hands official website, visit the below link and fill application form with correct details. Send your application form to before last date 20th April 2024.
Try your luck, once you shortlisted for any vacancy then you will be called for interview and don’t forget to bring your all documents at the interview time. Make sure that you will send application form before deadline.
General Instructions
Take it easy and open the official website now, when you open the website all details about the post in the application form will appear on your screen. You need to read all information carefully and then fill every option with correct information.
Are you interested for health jobs? In the Pakistan, every day new health jobs announced by various health organizations in Punjab, Sindh and as well other provinces of country. They only hire those applicants who are already experience in health sector. The main reason of selection is that they are experience and they can work easily in the health centers without facing any issue.
On the complete of any course you will be able to apply for relevant course. Sometimes people send their application form and they pay challan fees but they don’t that they haven’t required qualification and short diplomas.
Performing responsibilities well is not easy, the organization hand over the important work of their projects to its employee so he needs to perform respectively, the following list of responsibilities mentioned by the organization.
- Can manage all record properly.
- Have ability to communicate with patients and hospital staff.
- Be punctual of time, deliver of necessary docs or report on the if required.
- Manager emergency and serious patients.
What Salary they offer?
Basically, salary depend on the what is level of vacancy? Once you get a job the organization give you a letter in this they described all information about your job and salary as per organization policy. Some organization pay basic salary along with other allowances including other benefits.
Instead of this other health organization like PPHI and more mention the salary details in the advertisement. It may be part of their policy but either some organization mentioned salary information and some not. So the Hands salary just start from Rs. 35,000 to 470,000 per month, it is unofficial information and if you want to get more information about salary then you can contact to the organization’s helpline number.
All information in this article you have learnt, overall the organization needs the staff from the Sindh state. Those who are seeking for the vacancies are invited to join the health network. Online form submission and vacancies details completely mentioned herewith.
5 thoughts on “LHV Jobs in Hands for Females”
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